
We hope that this area of the website will provide you with all the information you require, whether you are a parent/carer of a pupil currently at Glebe Primary School, or if you are considering sending your child to the school in the future.

Parents Resources

We understand that choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision, which is why we strive to ensure that our school is a place where every child feels valued, supported and happy. 

Please find our full range of policies as well as important information.

High quality material produced by Real Factory backed by support of our expert consultants to fulfill a whole range of applications in the market.


At Glebe Primary School, we promise to take care of and look out for all our children. We want everyone here to feel safe, happy, and respected.

Our school is a special place where everyone is important and valued. We all work together to make sure everyone feels welcomed and supported.

Keeping you safe is really important to us. We know that your parents and carers trust us to keep you safe while you’re at school. That’s why we have lots of rules and things in place to make sure you’re always protected and cared for.

If you ever have any worries or concerns, remember that there are adults here who you can talk to. Your happiness and safety are our top priorities!


Uniform can be purchased online from Danielles.  If you wish to try on the items, they are available at the Rayleigh store.

Please do visit their website to find out the opening times.

Uniform stockist: Danielles, Claydons Lane, Rayleigh, SS6 7UP, 01268 967542.

2024 Glebe Uniform Price List

Glebe Logo

Recommended Reading List for Parents, KS1 & KS2 Reading Questions, KS2 Sample Papers GPS, Reading Maths, KS1 / KS2 Grammar Glossaries, Grammar Bank, Uniform Information

FoGP is a UK registered charity 1016577. We are not part of the school, but our work supports it.

Our trustee committee is currently made up of Glebe parents, school supporters and teaching staff.

When your child joins Glebe, as parents and carers you automatically become a member of FoGP. Grandparents, other relatives and community friends can be members too!


Caterlink are delighted to be working in partnership with Glebe Primary School.

We embrace natural ingredients, love seasonal produce, and develop ethical trading with many of our suppliers. Our meat, fruit & vegetables and bakery is all sourced from suppliers as near to the school as we can. Our menu meets the SILVER Food for Life Standard.


Our children perform exceptionally well! In 2022-23, GLD in Early Years, Phonics and our KS2 results were all at or above the national average!

The Local Governing Body is the school’s accountable body.

It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards of achievement.

The Local Governing Body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.


Ensuring your child attends school regularly and on time is crucial for their academic success and overall well-being. As partners in your child’s education, we want to provide you with some important information regarding attendance and absence policies.

According to the Statutory Guidance on School Attendance and Absence, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure their children attend school regularly and punctually.

We take this responsibility seriously at Glebe.

The Glebe Gazette

Vision & Values

We are committed to strong partnerships between home, school and community members. 

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There is no “one size fits all.” At Glebe Primary school and Nursery we treat children as individuals. 

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Friends of Glebe

When your child joins Glebe, as parents and carers you automatically become a member of FoGP. 

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About us

We believe that education is about more than just what happens in the classroom.

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Our Governors

The LGB is made up of members from different groups – parents, staff, our local community and the Headteacher.

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Get in touch

Getting in touch with us is easy. You can give us a call, send us an email or fill out our contact form.

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