Our Vivid Vision

Our school is a safe and happy environment and central to our school is a belief in respect – respect for yourself, respect for others and respect for the environment. We believe that our focus on respect leads to high expectations and strong behaviour, and this in turn leads to good achievement for each individual pupil.

At Glebe Primary School we are determined to provide high quality teaching and learning for all our pupils. We do our utmost to ensure our pupils are prepared for the next step in their life-long learning journey. We provide a broad and balanced academic curriculum with a wide range of cultural, artistic, sporting and social opportunities.

Welcome to Glebe Primary School, where we embrace our core values every day through the power of LEARN-ing!

At Glebe, we believe in L.E.A.R.N-ing together as a community. L.E.A.R.N stands for:


L: Leadership

E: Excellence

A: Ambition

R: Resilience

N: Norms


In our learning home, we encourage all our students to embrace these values. They help us make good choices in how we behave and learn every day. Our core values are like the guiding stars that brighten our path to success!

1. Leadership

Our Vision. In everything we lead our school to be.

2. Excellence

Our Standard. In everything we give and achieve.

3. Ambition

Our Achievement. In everything we strive to be.

4. Resilience

Our Character. In everything we try to succeed.

5. Norms (Culture)

Our Ethos. In everything we do and believe.

About us

We believe that education is about more than just what happens in the classroom.

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There is no “one size fits all.” At Glebe Primary school and Nursery we treat children as individuals. 

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Friends of Glebe

When your child joins Glebe, as parents and carers you automatically become a member of FoGP. 

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Children will be able to start the term after they turn 3 years old, we have new intakes in September, January and April. 

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Our Governors

The LGB is made up of members from different groups – parents, staff, our local community and the Headteacher.

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Get in touch

Getting in touch with us is easy. You can give us a call, send us an email or fill out our contact form.

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