Gazette 04/10/2024

Headteacher’s Message

Dear Glebe Families

What an action-packed week it has been at Glebe!

Our Year 4 and 5 pupils have been incredibly busy, taking part in a range of enrichment activities.  One of the highlights was their participation in road safety walks, helping them to become more aware and confident on the roads.  They also stepped back in time with Portals to the Past, where the children learned about life in Ancient Greece.  The Greek costumes were absolutely incredible and it was clear that everyone had a fantastic time.  The day provided a rich, hands-on learning experience that truly deepened the children’s understanding of the Ancient Greek civilisation.

On Monday, Miss Neame, Mrs Johnson and I attended the ENPRO meeting, a fantastic opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the local authority.  We had insightful discussions, sharing good practices and hearing about future developments aimed at enhancing the support for our Resource Base provision.  It’s inspiring to know that there are new initiatives and support systems in place to help us continue to offer the best possible provision for our deaf children.

Wednesday saw the leadership team focus on a deep dive into the learning books of Year 1 and 2 pupils.  We were thrilled to see some excellent work across the board!  The children have been applying their Talk for Writing skills brilliantly and we saw clear evidence of strong Maths foundations being built.  The high standards of learning were evident and it’s wonderful to see the progress the children are making.

On Friday, we treated our KS2 pupils to a captivating theatre production of Oliver Twist.  It was an exciting way to introduce the children to the world of Charles Dickens, one of my literary heroes!  The performance was engaging, full of energy and brought the story to life in a way that really resonated with the children.

This week also saw several more parent tours around the school.  We were overwhelmed by the kind and positive feedback we received and it’s wonderful to hear how eager new families are to join our Glebe community.  We’re very much looking forward to welcoming more families into our school!

I hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend.

Warm regards

Mr Clarke




A huge well done this week to:

1D: Harper S & Evie T

1M: Ella R & Lily V

2N: Vinnie G & Carter H

2VB: Jorik D & Amelyah L

3P: Aluna-Grace T & Theo B

3R: Albie K & Harry T

4A: Leo H & Riley W

5A: Annabelle B & Jake J

5/4L: Isabella B & Jess H


6HC: Jack F & Mia C

6P: Joshua C & Ella E


Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 94.8%

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


RR: 98.4% 3R: 91.4%
RS: 90.5% 4A: 97.7%
1D: 92.9% 5A: 92.7% 
1M: 95.1% 5/4L: 94.1%
2N: 94.7%  6HC: 94.2%
2VB: 92.0% 6P: 96.2%
3P: 92.8%  

This week, the class with the highest attendance was RR with 98.4%.  Well done!  The attendance reward will be coming your way.


Leave of Absence for Term Time Holiday

Please can parents use the new online form Leave of Absence for Term Time Holiday to submit any requests.  Parents must print completed forms, sign and then submit to the school office.

Dogs on School Premises

Please refrain from leaving dogs unattended at the school gates as we have pupils and staff with allergies and they may be frightened to walk past.  Thank you.

Fortnightly Focus: Use Positive Intervention

We’re all about stepping in to help others in a positive way! Sometimes, we see things happening around us that don’t seem right or could be better.  Positive intervention means using kind words and actions to make a situation better for everyone involved.  It’s like being a superhero who solves problems with empathy and understanding!

Music Moment of the Week

Our music moment has been Florence B. Price’s First Symphony.  The rhythms in this music originated in West Africa.  Florence Price took the traditions of classical music and combined them with West African rhythms and dance.  In the orchestra these rhythms are played in the percussion section and are mirrored in other sections of the orchestra.  Have a listen:

Influential Figure of the Week

This week in assemblies we have been celebrating the beginning of Black History Month.  Our core values theme is Resilience and we learned about an influential musician called Florence B. Price.  She was a true example of resilience: despite being born into the well-to-do family of the only black dentist in a Southern US state, Florence struggled to make her mark as a musician.  She was repeatedly told that black people shouldn’t be composers, especially female ones.  After moving to Chicago, she persevered with her dream for many years until finally her music was taken seriously.  She became the first black, female composer to have her music performed by a high-profile orchestra.  Today, she and her music are loved and enjoyed for the music’s cultural significance and her incredible determination.

Key Dates 2024/25

9 October – Class 1D parent lunch.

10 October – Non-uniform day (wear yellow).

11 October – Class 1M parent lunch.

14 October – Flu immunisations consent deadline. 

16 October – Flu immunisations.

22 October – Year 1 medieval dance for PE (afternoon). 

25 October – Year 3 Stone Age workshop. 

31 October – Year 6 statutory national closing date for secondary school applications for September 2025.

5 November – Parents’ Evening from 1.30pm to 4.00pm.

6 November – Parents’ Evening from 4.30pm to 7.00pm.

8 November – FOGP discos.

11 November – School photographs.

14 November – Class 2N parent lunch.

15 November – Class 2VB parent lunch.

19 November – Year 1 and Year 4/5 Wonderdome experience. 

21 November – Open Evening from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.  School will close at 1.30pm.

22 November – Inset day (non-pupil day).

28 November – Glebe choir at the Rayleigh lights switch on from 4.00pm to 6.00pm.

10 December – Year 3 Colchester Zoo trip. *new date*

11 December – FOGP elf emporium and grotto.

17 December – FOGP Aladdin pantomime.

18 December – Christmas dinner and jumper day.

7 & 8 January – Reception road safety training. 

15 January – Class 3P parent lunch.

17 January – Class 3R parent lunch.

22 January – SSP KS2 dance festival. *new date*

4 February – Young Voices (Choir O2).

25 February – Parents’ Evening from 1.30pm to 4.00pm.

26 February – Parents’ Evening from 4.30pm to 7.00pm.

19 March – Year 2 trip to Hyde Hall.

24 March – Class photographs.

31 March – Year 3 Hyde Hall workshop. *new date*

2 May – Class 4A parent lunch.

8 May – Class 5A parent lunch.

9 May – Class 5/4L parent lunch.

w/c 12 May – Year 6 SATs week.

w/c 19 May – Year 6 bikeability (Mon-Thu).

23 May – Sports afternoon.

w/c 2 June – Year 6 bikeability (Mon-Thu).

22-25 June – Year 6 residential trip to Mersea.

11 July – FOGP Summer fete. 

Caterlink Lunch Menu

Caterlink Food Choices


Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school.  The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 9.45am.  Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.


Grab Bags


Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 



Spotlight on Safeguarding

Girls 4 Football

Rayleigh Fireworks Display

Rayleigh Town Council Christmas Card Competition for KS2 Pupils

Friends of Glebe Primary
