Gazette 05/07/2024

Headteacher’s Message

Dear Glebe Families

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the summer season.  I can’t say I’m overly impressed with the weather which dampened all of our spirits today, when we had to postpone sports day.  It is our intention for activities to run during PE sessions next week and we hope to accommodate some of the races at our end of summer picnic.  It’s a busy time of year for all year groups, so unfortunately, this year, we are unable to reschedule anything on the scale of the plans of today.

Upcoming Events

As we approach the end of term, we have several exciting events planned:

  • Year 6 Leavers’ Plays and Assembly: All dates are attached at the bottom of our newsletter and we hope to see Year 6 parents there!
  • Meet the Teacher: Scheduled for Monday 8 July from 3.30pm-4.45pm.  New Reception to Year 2 teachers will be in the KS1 hall for a catch up.  Year 3-6 teachers will be in the KS2 hall for a catch up.
  • Summer Picnic: We will aim for Tuesday 16 July.  Gates open at 11.45am for a 12.00 noon start.  This is for Reception to Year 6.  After lunch at 1.00pm, we will host a couple of races before parents take their children home.

School Improvements

Over the summer, we have planned a number of improvements to our school facilities.  This includes our Early Years area and the base for wraparound, which will move to the demountable in the autumn term.  Further details to follow.

Thank You

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.  I do hope the weather improves and look forward to seeing you all in the coming week.

Warm regards

Mr Clarke




A huge well done this week to:

1D: Ollie R-P & Isabelle F

1M: Jack W & Johnny L

2N: Ryan M & Olive W

2VH: Harry G & Polly M

3/4 J: Priya N & Oliver P

3/4 P: Oliver M & Henry A

3/4 R: Orson S & Peyton S


5A: Nate C & Hallie D

5L: Erin R & Jesse W

6A: Alfie B & Poppy A

6L: Oliver J & Rae W


Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 94%

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


RS: 99.1% 3/4R: 83.9%
RP: 91.7% 3/4P: 93.2%
1D: 95.7% 5A: 97.4% 
1M: 94.0% 5L: 97.3%
2N: 94.5%  6A: 92.1%
2VH: 99.0% 6L: 94.8%
3/4J: 96.1%  

This week, the class with the highest attendance was RS with 99.1%.  Well done!  The attendance reward will be coming your way.


Free After School Clubs – Deanes

A reminder that week commencing 8 July is the final week for the sporting clubs with the Deanes School.  Please note that rounders/cricket club has been cancelled on Wednesday 10 July.

Lunchtime Star Players

Well done to Floyd B, Ryan M, Harry R, Charlie W, RJ K, Poppy A, Olivia N, Sofia H, Alfie L, Iyla W, Elsie S, Skyler H, Orea-Mae K and Finley K-A.

Free School Meals – Current Year 2 (Year 3 in September 2024)

Parents of children in Year 2 will be charged for school dinners from September when their child moves to Year 3.  If you think that your child may qualify for free school meals, please apply from 1 August 2024 via this link: Free school meals: Eligibility for free school meals | Essex County Council

Glebe Uniform

Please refer to where you will find a section named SCHOOL UNIFORM for the list of uniform items, photos and price list.


Due to the inflation of food costs and the rise in minimum wage, from 1 September 2024, school meals will cost £2.50 for KS2 pupils.

Fortnightly Focus – Understanding Relationships

Understanding relationships means learning how to get along with others, showing kindness and knowing how to work together.  Here are some simple ways to help you understand relationships:

Be Kind – Being nice to others makes them feel happy and makes you feel good too.  Smile, say “please” and “thank you,” and share with your friends.

Listen – When someone is talking to you, pay attention to what they are saying.  It shows that you care about their feelings and thoughts.

Talk About Your Feelings – If something is bothering you or making you happy, talk about it.  Letting others know how you feel helps them understand you better.

Ask Questions – If you don’t understand why someone is upset or happy, ask them nicely.  Questions like “How are you feeling?” or “What happened?” can help.

Play Together – Playing games and working on projects with others teaches you how to share, take turns and work as a team.

Say Sorry – If you hurt someone’s feelings, say sorry. Everyone makes mistakes and saying sorry helps fix things and makes you a better friend.

Be Supportive – If a friend is sad, try to cheer them up. If they are happy, celebrate with them.  Being there for each other builds strong friendships.

Understand Differences – Everyone is different and that’s okay.  Some friends might like different games or foods and learning about these differences makes friendships interesting.

Follow Rules – Rules help everyone get along.  Follow rules at home, school and with friends to make sure everyone feels safe and respected.

Practice Patience – Sometimes you have to wait your turn or give others a chance to speak.  Being patient shows that you respect others.

By doing these things, you can understand and build good relationships with your friends, family and everyone you meet.

Music Moment of the Week

Robbie Williams – Love My Life

“Love My Life” is a song by British singer Robbie Williams from his 2016 album The Heavy Entertainment Show.  It was written by Williams, Johnny McDaid and Gary Go. The song delivers a message of self-acceptance, resilience and positivity, with Williams encouraging confidence and self-love, particularly for his children.

Musically, it blends pop and soft rock with an uplifting melody and anthemic chorus, featuring piano, guitar and orchestral elements.  The song was well-received for its inspiring lyrics and emotional delivery, charting in the top 40 in several countries.  The music video showcases Williams in reflective and serene settings, reinforcing the song’s motivational themes.

Key Dates

8 July – Meet the teacher from 3.30pm to 4.45pm.

9 July – Year 2 Florence Nightingale workshop.

9 July – Year 6 Production to parents at 5.30pm.

11 July – Year 6 Production to parents at 9.30am.

16 July – Summer picnic.

18 July – Year 6 leavers’ assembly to parents at 2.15pm.

School’s Out – Year 6

On Tuesday 9 July, the Echo Newspaper will be publishing its Schools Out photo special!


Caterlink Spring/Summer 2023-24 Lunch Menu

Caterlink Food Choices


Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school.  The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 9.45am.  Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.


Grab Bags


Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 



Spotlight on Safeguarding

Intrepid Ventures Holiday Camp at Glebe

Premier Education Holiday Camp

Southend Wheelers

The Deanes Summer Activate Camp
