Summer Term always seems the busiest and this week has been no exception!
On Tuesday, we had a team of colleagues from other local primary schools, conducting a peer review. Headteachers from the surrounding schools were impressed with how well our curriculum has developed, how beautifully behaved the children were and how well subject leaders were making improvements to their subjects. Well Done team Glebe!
Today has been our traditional sports day. Well Done to everyone for their team work, effort, and enthusiasm in making today a success. A massive thank you to Mr Acquah for his organisation.
Next week, Year 6 are off on their residential. We wish you all a fun-filled time, making lots of memories.
Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday!
M Clarke
Arrangements for September
End of Summer Term
School closes for Summer on Thursday 20th July.
Phones from September
We have had an increasing number of issues outside of school that are being brought into the classroom. Our priority is to educate and support which we will do. That said, we also have a duty to safeguard all children. To ensure a culture of trust and safeguarding, any child bringing their mobile device into school, from September, will be required to hand them to their class teacher, who will safely store them in a locked cupboard. This is not unusual practice and is common place in many primary settings. If you would rather the class teacher did not safely store your child’s phone during the day, then please do not send them to school with a mobile device. Thank you for your co-operation.
Trading cards
A number of children enjoy trading cards, such as Pokemon and football stickers. Unfortunately, the school cannot be responsible for any swaps that pupils make. Please have a discussion with your children regarding sensible trading/swaps if they choose to bring cards into school.
Year 6 Productions and Leavers Assembly
Year 6 Leavers Assembly will be on Wednesday 19th July at 2:00pm.
The Year 6 end of term production will be on Wednesday 5th July at 2pm and Thursday 7th July at 6:30pm. Please complete our online for to secure your tickets/programmes.
Attendance update
A huge thank you to everyone who is supporting our attendance drive and echoing the importance of education. Please help us, in a final push, to achieve our 97% target. School attendance is compulsory and we expect to see all children in school.
Attendance: Our school target is 97%
Year to date 94%
We expect pupils to be in school everyday.
We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.
RD: 93% | RRB: 93% |
1N: 96% | 1R: 92% |
2/3A: 90% | 2/3BV: 89% |
2/3R: 95% | |
4H: 98% | 4L: 94% |
5L: 93% | 5P: 93% |
6A: 89% | 6G: 93% |
This week, the class with the highest attendance was 4H with 98%. Well done! The attendance reward will be coming your way..
26/06/23 – 29/06/23 – Year 6 Residential
03/07/23 – Year 2/3 trip to Colchester Castle
05/07/23 Year 6 production 2pm
06/07/23 Year 6 production 6:30pm
10/07/23 Reception trip to Barleylands
19/07/23 Year 6 Leavers assembly 2pm
20/7/23 End of Term