Gazette 20/09/2024

Headteacher’s Message

Dear Glebe Families

We’ve been blessed with the return of the sunshine this week, which has only added to the smiles and cheery dispositions throughout our school community.  It’s been wonderful to see everyone enjoying the brighter days.

I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the parents who took the time to respond to our recent parent survey.  Your feedback is invaluable and we’ve listened carefully.  We’re excited to announce the first of our initiatives based on your input: the introduction of Inclusion Coffee Mornings.  These sessions will provide a relaxed setting for families to discuss inclusion and share ideas.  The first one is scheduled for 1 October.

As we begin One Planning for the Autumn term, we’re also working to make the process more accessible to you.  Starting next week, you’ll have the option to meet with us in a variety of ways; whether in person, over the phone, or via Microsoft Teams, so we can best support your needs.

After the success of our Reception parent lunch and in response to last year’s feedback, we’re pleased to announce that we will reintroduce these opportunities for families to join us for enrichment and dinner events this year.  Please check the dates below to see when you can share these special moments with your children.

This week has also been an exciting one for our Year 6 pupils, who participated in Glebe Democracy, voting for key leadership roles such as House Captains and Prefects.  They impressed us all with their articulate speeches and enthusiasm for leadership.  Well done, Year 6!

In the coming weeks, we will be electing our new Pupil Leadership Team, formerly known as the School Council.  This group of children will work closely with myself and other leaders, giving them a voice in important decisions and providing feedback on our school development plan.

Thursday was a magical day for Year 1, as they were whisked away into the world of fairy tales and fantasy with knights and castles galore.  I suspect the adults enjoyed the fun just as much as the children!

Finally, a huge well done to everyone for their sensible behaviour during our lockdown practice this week.  As promised, we approached this exercise with care, making it age-appropriate by turning it into a fun scenario involving visiting aliens and the pesky giant from Jack and the Beanstalk.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Warm regards

Mr Clarke




A huge well done this week to:

1D: Lucy W & Floyd B

1M: Zach G & Abdullah S

2N: Rafferty T & Isla W

2VB: Maisie P-T & Mercer S

3P: Sienna H-S & Calum N

3R: Billy B & Harley C

4A: Mia A S & Finley K-A

5A: Josh P & Clara B

5/4L: Adele R & Mia G


6HC: Lily M & Nila B

6P: Erin R & Leroy A


Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 95.2%

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


RR: 96.8% 3R: 89.7%
RS: 98.5% 4A: 88.1%
1D: 93.8% 5A: 99.3% 
1M: 93.2% 5/4L: 95.8%
2N: 99.3%  6HC: 94.2%
2VB: 89.3% 6P: 91.0%
3P: 96.2%  

This week, the class with the highest attendance was 2N and 5A with 99.3%.  Well done!  The attendance reward will be coming your way.


Team Captain Speeches

In assemblies this week, a group of Year 6 pupils bravely stood up in front of their teams to do a speech explaining why they should be voted for as Team Captain of 2024/25.  They all did an amazing job.  The rest of the school voted in a secret ballot and the results will be announced on Friday.  It was fantastic to see so many Year 6 pupils showing their leadership skills off.

Fortnightly Focus

Our focus for the next two weeks is on taking responsibility, which is closely connected to the British value of the rule of law.  Laws are like the rules of a game, helping everyone know what’s right and wrong so we can all live safely and happily together.  When we take responsibility, we make sure we’re following these rules and doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.  This helps keep our community fair and safe for everyone and shows that we care about the wellbeing of others as well as ourselves.

Music Moment of the Week

This week, we were celebrating International Day of Peace.  Our music moment this week was Imagine by John Lennon which describes a world without fighting, poverty or disadvantage.  Take a listen…

Bikes and Scooters

Please can parents ensure their children do not ride bikes or scooters on the school site.  One of our children was knocked over today and we want to ensure that we keep all of our children safe.  If we find that children are still not following these rules, we may have to review whether individuals can bring them on site.

Car Park Safety

A reminder that children should not be running around near the car park before and after school and should remain on the footpath at all times.  Thank you.

Key Dates 2024/25

27 September – FOGP quiz night at Sweyne Park School.

3 October – Year 4/5 Portals to the Past.

9 October – Class 1D parent lunch. *new date*

11 October – Class 1M parent lunch. *new date*

16 October – Flu immunisations.

31 October – Year 6 statutory national closing date for secondary school applications for September 2025.

5 November – Parents’ Evening from 1.30pm to 4.00pm.

6 November – Parents’ Evening from 4.30pm to 7.00pm.

8 November – FOGP discos.

11 November – School photographs.

14 November – Class 2N parent lunch. *new date*

15 November – Class 2VB parent lunch. *new date*

21 November – Open Evening from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.  School will close at 1.30pm.

22 November – Inset day (non-pupil day).

28 November – Glebe choir at the Rayleigh lights switch on from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. *new date*

11 December – FOGP elf emporium and grotto.

17 December – FOGP Aladdin pantomime.

18 December – Christmas dinner and jumper day.

7 & 8 January – Reception road safety training. 

15 January – Class 3P parent lunch. *new date*

17 January – Class 3R parent lunch. *new date*

4 February – Young Voices (Choir O2).

25 February – Parents’ Evening from 1.30pm to 4.00pm.

26 February – Parents’ Evening from 4.30pm to 7.00pm.

19 March – Year 2 trip to Hyde Hall.

24 March – Class photographs.

2 May – Class 4A parent lunch. *new date*

8 May – Class 5A parent lunch. *new date*

9 May – Class 5/4L parent lunch. *new date*

w/c 12 May – Year 6 SATs week.

w/c 19 May – Year 6 bikeability (Mon-Thu).

23 May – Sports afternoon.

w/c 2 June – Year 6 bikeability (Mon-Thu).

22-25 June – Year 6 residential trip to Mersea.

Caterlink Lunch Menu

Caterlink Food Choices


Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school.  The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 9.45am.  Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.


Grab Bags


Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 



Spotlight on Safeguarding

Inclusion Team Coffee Morning – 1 October 2024

Essex Music Service – New Opportunity for Years 3-6

Drama Club for Years 3-6

Girls 4 Football

Calling All Girls Aged 5-11!

Join Rochford Hundred Rugby Club for a fun-filled morning on 21 September from 11.00am to 12.00 noon.  It’s free to come along and no need to book!


Rayleigh Town Council Christmas Card Competition for KS2 Pupils

Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade Community Groups

Friends of Glebe Primary Quiz Night
