Gazette 10/05/2024

Headteacher’s Message

Dear Glebe Families

It’s been a busy and exciting week here at Glebe!

We want to extend a huge thank you to all the parents who joined us for our Year 5 lunch earlier today.  It was fantastic to see so many of you there and we hope you enjoyed spending time with your children and enjoying the catering on offer!

Today, we’re looking forward to our much anticipated discos!  The children are buzzing with excitement and we can’t wait to see them hit the dance floor and have a blast.  Remember, there’s a disco for all through the afternoon and evening, so everyone gets a chance to party!

As we gear up for next week, we want to wish our Year 6 pupils the best of luck as they approach their SATs.  To help them start their days right, we’ll be providing breakfast for Year 6 every morning prior to the tests.  Your support and encouragement mean the world to them, so let’s cheer them on as they tackle this challenge with confidence and determination.

In other news, our Year 1 children had an unforgettable trip to Call of the Wild!  A huge thank you to all the adults who made this trip possible.  The children had a fantastic time exploring and learning, and their smiles were truly priceless.

As always, thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Warm regards

Mr Clarke




A huge well done this week to:

1D: Ruby-Rose H & Ella S

1M: Archie S & Poppy M

2N: Harry T & Blossom F

2VH: Rodney T & Avedha A

3/4 J: Henry F & Orea-Mai K

3/4 P: Jack N & Clara B

3/4 R: Harry K & Leo M


5A: Jack F & Albie T

5L: Leyton M & Ella E

6A: Aideen M & Emily K

6L: Shaya M & Olly P


Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 94%

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


RS: 97.2% 3/4R: 92.3%
RP: 89.1% 3/4P: 89.7%
1D: 93.3% 5A: 97.2% 
1M: 97.5% 5L: 96.3%
2N: 90.5%  6A: 90.9%
2VH: 91.6% 6L: 90.9%
3/4J: 97.2%  

This week, the class with the highest attendance was 1M with 97.5%.  Well done!  The attendance reward will be coming your way.


Caterlink Food Choices

Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school.  The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 9.45am.  Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.  Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Inclusion Team

Mrs Johnson will be stepping into the role of Inclusion Manager and SENCo from September onwards.  She will be leading the newly expanded inclusion team which includes Mrs Parker (Learning Mentor) and Miss Whitham (SENCo Admin and Inclusion Support).

Fortnightly Focus – Take Turns to Direct and Organise

Imagine you and your friends playing a game together.  Everyone wants to decide what game to play next.  Instead of arguing, you all decide to take turns choosing!  One friend picks hide and seek, another chooses tag and then it’s your turn.  You pick hopscotch!

Taking turns to decide and lead is like a fun game of democracy.  Just like in your game, everyone gets a chance to share their ideas and make choices.  In a big group, like your class or community, people might take turns being in charge to make fair decisions.  This is called democracy.

In democracy, everyone’s voice matters, just like in your game where everyone’s game choice counts.  So, remember, whether it’s playing games or making big decisions, taking turns and listening to each other is an important part of democracy!

Music Moment of the Week

Mozart’s “Minuet and Trio in G” is like a musical adventure!  It’s part of his “Linz Symphony,” which is a big name for a special song he wrote a long time ago, in 1783.  Imagine dancing in a fancy ballroom, that’s what the minuet part feels like, all graceful and fancy!  Then, the trio part feels like a gentle stroll through a magical forest, with softer, dreamy music.  Mozart was like a musical wizard, making melodies that make you want to dance and dream!

Key Dates

13 May – KS2 SATs week.

17 May – Parent session – Bring your parent to lunch – Year 5 – Class 5A.

21 May – Reception Sealife Adventure trip.

3 June – Year 4 multiplication screening.

3 June – Year 3/4 team building and preparing for next year.

10 June – Year 1 phonics screening.

20 June – District sports.

28 June – Glebefest Summer fete from 3.00pm to 6.30pm.

5 July – Sports day.

9 July – Year 2 Florence Nightingale workshop.

9 July – Year 6 Production to parents at 5.30pm.

11 July – Year 6 Production to parents at 9.30am.

18 July – Year 6 leavers’ assembly to parents at 2.15pm.

Influential Figure of the Week

Glebe Nursery

Spotlight on Safeguarding

Walk-in Vaccination Clinic

Essex Activate May Half Term

Caterlink Spring/Summer 2023-24 Lunch Menu

Caterlink Food Choices


Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school.  The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 9.45am.  Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.


Grab Bags


Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 



Friends of Glebe
