It has been another busy week at Glebe as we begin to organise lots of opportunities for you to visit and join in your children’s learning. Please take a moment to look at the key dates.
The children all looked fantastic in their non-uniform today, supporting Genes for Jeans day. Thank you for participating in this event.
As we move into next week, we hope to be able to share the details regarding parents’ evening. As before, a bridging club will be provided for those parents who need it. Following feedback, I will look to increase the number of pupils we can have attending, but will need to look at staff numbers first, so that safety and supervision is paramount.
Whilst monitoring with Mr Munford, our Chair of Governors, this week, I was thrilled to see such great settled learning behaviours around the school. The children were engaged, motivated and enthusiastic. Well done. I was also particularly impressed by the quality of the presentation in the Year 3 and 4 books that I have seen. The children are clearly working incredibly hard with their writing.
Across the school, the children are embedding the use of our new handwriting scheme and you can see a strong effort in presentation from everyone.
We wish you all a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you all back here on Monday morning.
Mr M Clarke
A huge well done this week to:
1D: Vinnie G and Chayse B |
1M: Charlie W and Poppy M |
2N: Amy H and Danny A |
2VC: Aluna T and Elliott H |
3/4 J: Emma D and Finley K-A |
3/4 P: Clara B and Jake J |
3/4 R: Lucy W and Poppy M |
5A: Reuben M-S and Lily M |
5HA: Lily M and Josh C |
6A: Ellie M and Zoe S |
6L: Olly P and Zach G |
Uniform and PE Kits
Please remember that we expect high standards of both uniform and PE kit. Pupils should be dressed appropriately for all lessons. Thank you.
Attendance: Our school target is 97%
Year to date 94.5%
We expect pupils to be in school everyday.
We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.
RS: 99.10% | 3/4R: 93.30% |
RP: 100% | 3/4P: 99.70% |
1D: 98.30% | 5A: 93.80% |
1M: 94.80% | 5HA: 89.30% |
2N: 90.30% | 6A: 90.70% |
2VC: 99.30% | 6L: 95.90% |
3/4J: 93.70% |
This week, the class with the highest attendance was RP with 100%. Well done! The attendance reward will be coming your way.
28 September – Julia Donaldson live book event.
29 September – Flu immunisations – Reception-Year 6.
3 October, 4 October & 11 October – New intake tours at 10.00am and 11.00am.
6 October – Core Values Friday – children wear team colours.
10 October – World Mental Health Day – wear yellow £1 donation.
13 October – Parent session – Bring your parent to lunch – Year 1 – Details to follow.
17 October – Parents’ Evening – 1.30pm to 7.00pm. School closes at 1.30pm.
20 October – Last day of term – half term. FoGPS end of term treats.
30 October – Return to school.
10 November – Remembrance assembly live (KS2). Disco 3.15pm to 4.45pm EYFS/KS1 & 5.00pm to 7.00pm KS2.
16, 17, 20, 22, 23 November – Family book fair from 3.30pm to 4.00pm.
17 November – Parent session – Bring your parent to lunch – Year 2 – Details to follow.
21 November – Family book fair from 2.30pm to 3.10pm (parents only).
23 November – New Intake Open Evening – 5.00pm to 7.00pm. School closes at 1.30pm.
24 November – Inset – School closed.
13 December – FoGPS Elf Emporium/Santa’s Grotto.
14 December – FoGPS Panto, Christmas dinner, Christmas jumper day.
15 December – 9.30am Year 3/4 production, 11.15am Nursery production, 2.30pm Year 1/2 production.
18 December – 9.15am Year 1/2 production, 2.30pm Reception production.
19 December – 9.15am Reception production, 2.15pm Year 3/4 production.
Year 5/6 Christmas production will be at the Church and to be confirmed next week.