Gazette 08/09/2023

Headteacher’s message

Welcome back to the new term! We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the year ahead. We are delighted to report that the children have settled back into school exceptionally well, and we couldn’t be prouder of each and every one of them.

We would also like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our new team members who have joined us this year. They have settled in quickly and have already shown great positivity and motivation. We are excited to have them on board and look forward to the contributions they will make to our school community.

As we begin this new term, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for the year ahead. We have many exciting events and opportunities planned for both parents and children to get involved in. We hope to create more opportunities for parents to come into school, such as “bring your parent to dinner” events, exhibition/open door events, class assemblies, and parent-child sessions in school. These events will not only allow parents to see first-hand the wonderful work their children are doing but also provide an opportunity for greater engagement and involvement in their education.

We would also like to inform you that Dojo is now up and running. Dojo is an exciting new platform that will make communication between teachers and parents much easier. We are still in the process of setting it up and assigning pupils and teachers, so we ask for your patience during this time. We are confident that Dojo will be a valuable tool in keeping you informed about your child’s progress and school-related matters. This is also where points will be given linked to the school values. The children will be assigned to their houses so that points given will contribute to a house total in the same way that house points used to. Dojos will replace house/team points.

We would like to extend our apologies if you have emailed the admin email address over the summer and have not received a response. Unfortunately, we were unable to access this email during the break. We kindly ask that you reserve this email address for important matters such as payments, admissions, and medical evidence. For any learning or class-related questions, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Please continue to report absences via the absence phone line, with the exception of deaf parents who may email the admin address for this.

Once again, we are thrilled to welcome you all back to school and look forward to a successful and fulfilling year together. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Have a lovely weekend!


M Clarke




A huge well done this week to:

1D:  Freya F and Melissa P

1M: Sullivan D and Johnny L

2N: Henley B and Nora B

2VC:  Demi-Leigh S and Jack S

3/4 J:  Annabelle B and Olly R

3/4 P: Primrose D and Oliver P

3/4 R: Jack A and Amber F


5A:  Charlie B Amelia T

5HA:  Melissa K and Kian R

6A: Aideen M and Archie R

6L: Isaac L and Evie O

Driving to school

Please be mindful when you are driving around the roads connecting to the school, we have been informed that there have been a few cars speeding along Talbot Avenue when children are crossing.

After School Club

May we please remind you that the after school club closes early on a Friday afternoon at 4:30pm.  Unfortunately, we can’t change the system to not accept a ‘C’ code for one day, which has caused a bit of confusion.

Phones from September

We have had an increasing number of issues outside of school that are being brought into the classroom. Our priority is to educate and support which we will do. That said, we also have a duty to safeguard all children. To ensure a culture of trust and safeguarding, any child bringing their mobile device into school, from September, will be required to hand them to their class teacher, who will safely store them in a locked cupboard. This is not unusual practice and is common place in many primary settings. If you would rather the class teacher did not safely store your child’s phone during the day, then please do not send them to school with a mobile device. Thank you for your co-operation.

Trading cards 

A number of children enjoy trading cards, such as Pokemon and football stickers. Unfortunately, the school cannot be responsible for any swaps that pupils make. Please have a discussion with your children regarding sensible trading/swaps if they choose to bring cards into school.

Attendance update

A huge thank you to everyone who is supporting our attendance drive and echoing the importance of education. Please help us, in a final  push, to achieve our 97% target. School attendance is compulsory and we expect to see all children in school. 



Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 92%

School and class attendance figures will be printed next week once a full school week has bee completed.

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


Key Dates

12th (Years 1 and 2) 13th(Years 3 and 4)14th September (Years 5 and 6) – Parent Welcome meetings

17th October – Parents Evening 1:30-7pm

23rd November – New In-take Open Evening (5-7pm) School closes 1:30pm.

