Gazette 19/04/2024

Headteacher’s Message

Dear Glebe Families

Welcome back!  It’s hard to believe that we’re already into the final term of the academic year.  Time truly flies when you’re having fun!

A big thank you to all the parents who provided feedback on the new school photos.  Your input is invaluable and we’re thrilled to hear your thoughts.  Please see below for more details on any queries raised.

This week, we were delighted to welcome back Mrs Howard from maternity leave, who has joined the now-named 2VH class.  It’s wonderful to have her back with us!

Additionally, we were thrilled to have the return of Mrs Norman.  Mr Taylor and Mrs Turp continue to work consistently with 2N as Mrs Norman reintegrates back into school life.

As promised, the dates for sports day and the Year 6 productions are attached in the key dates section of the Gazette.  Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Thank you for supporting us with our attendance drive.  Just a gentle reminder that attendance at school is crucial for your child’s education.  Our school target for attendance is 97% and we will be in touch to support families where attendance falls below nationally defined levels.  Please note that the law does not permit us to authorise any holidays during term time and any absence for this reason may incur a penalty notice.  If you need any support regarding absence, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and let’s make this final term a fantastic one for our children!

Warm regards

Mr Clarke




A huge well done this week to:

1D: Teddy O & Molly L

1M: Sully D B & Nellie J

2N: Nora B & Billy B

2VH: Eliza B & Elliott H

3/4 J: Elsie S & Elvis S

3/4 P: Leo H & Pippa F

3/4 R: Albie L & Joshua P


5A: Reuben M-S & Lois H

5L: Bella P & Eleanor J

6A: Emily K & Omotayo A

6L: Coen C & Archie H


Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 94.0%

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


RS: 96.4% 3/4R: 95.1%
RP: 96.7% 3/4P: 93.6%
1D: 94.3% 5A: 90.0% 
1M: 95.7% 5L: 95.3%
2N: 90.7%  6A: 94.1%
2VH: 95.2% 6L: 98.3%
3/4J: 97.3%  

This week, the class with the highest attendance was 6L with 98.3%.  Well done!  The attendance reward will be coming your way.


Class Photographs

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us regarding the new format of the school photos.  I am sorry to hear, that a small minority of you are unhappy with the change.

Please know that it was not our intention to cause any distress with the new style of photographs.  The decision to work with a new photography company was made in order to align with the majority of schools and provide a fresh perspective on our annual class photos and we are aware that a number of parents have already placed initial orders.

While we are pleased with many of the photographs and the style adopted, we understand that individual parents may have different preferences.  In light of this, we will be sending out a parent preference survey prior to next year’s class photos to ensure that the format meets the majority preference of our school community.

Unfortunately, the photography company will be unable to return this year.  However, we would like to offer you the opportunity to have photos taken on class cameras if you would prefer this year’s photo in the style of previous class photos.

We value your input and want to ensure that all parents are satisfied with the school photos.  Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention and please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s class teacher via Dojo by Friday 26 April, if you would like an alternative photo.

Fortnightly Focus – Democracy/Negotiate and Find Solutions

In a democracy, everyone’s voice matters!  Imagine a big playground where everyone gets to vote on what game to play next.  Sometimes, we might not all agree on the same game, but that’s okay!  We can talk and listen to each other to find a game that makes everyone happy.  That’s what democracy is all about; working together, listening, and finding solutions that make everyone feel included and happy.  What is negotiation?  Picture a group of friends deciding what movie to watch together.  Each friend has their favourite movie, but they need to find a way to agree on one.  This is where negotiation comes in.  Negotiation means talking and listening to each other’s ideas and then finding a solution that everyone is happy with.  It’s like finding a tasty pizza topping that everyone enjoys!  So, in democracy, we negotiate by discussing and finding common ground, just like picking the perfect movie for movie night with friends!

Influential Figure of the Week

Nelson Mandela spent his life fighting against apartheid.  Apartheid was the separation of black and white people in South Africa.  In 1962, he was sent to prison for life by the country’s ‘white-only’ government.  During his time in prison, the rest of the world was fighting against apartheid in South Africa.  Things began to change in South Africa and in 1990 the new president set Nelson Mandela free.  In 1994, Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s first black president.  He was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Music Moment of the Week

Name of song: Mars

Composer: Gustav Holst

Born: 1874 / Died: 1934 / Nationality: British

Gustav Holst was a British composer living and working in London 100 years ago.  He was a very interesting man.  He was fascinated by space, astrology, religion, meditation and vegetarianism; in many ways he was completely ahead of his time.  Music ran in Holst’s family and so it wasn’t a surprise to his parents when he decided to learn the piano.  Sadly, an injury to his arm meant that he had to give up and so he took up composing and, because it made more money, he played trombone in theatre bands.  His biggest success came with his Planets Suite, a set of pieces for orchestra that describes the character of each planet.  Holst didn’t like the fame that this piece brought him.  He wouldn’t sign autographs, do interviews or accept awards and as the years went by he spent more and more time teaching.  He inspired many young composers.

Pre-loved Bicycles

Has your child grown out of an old bike or helmet that they no longer use?  Would you be willing to donate this to the school to support future bicycle clubs and activities?

There are two ways to donate:

-Advise the school office so we can arrange collection.

-Bring your donation to the Upper School gate in the morning or at the end of the day.

These will be collected and stored for future clubs to make sure that no child in our school community misses out on learning the skill and experience of riding a bike.


A reminder that disabled bays are for those with blue badges only.  Thank you.

New Key Dates

8 May – Year 1 Call of the Wild Zoo trip.

10 May – Parent session – Bring your parent to lunch – Year 5 – Class 5L.

10 May – FOGP tropical beach parties.

13 May – KS2 SATs week.

17 May – Parent session – Bring your parent to lunch – Year 5 – Class 5A.

3 June – Year 4 multiplication screening.

10 June – Year 1 phonics screening.

20 June – District sports.

5 July – Sports day.

9 July – Year 2 Florence Nightingale workshop.

9 July – Year 6 Production to parents at 5.30pm.

11 July – Year 6 Production to parents at 9.30am.

18 July – Year 6 leavers’ assembly to parents at 2.15pm.

Spotlight on Safeguarding

Caterlink Spring/Summer 2023-24 Lunch Menu

Caterlink Food Choices


Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school.  The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 10.30am.  Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.


Grab Bags


Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 



Friends of Glebe
