Gazette 22/03/2024

Headteacher’s Message

Dear Glebe Families

I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the transition into Spring.  As we approach the end of another term, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to the community for your continued support and engagement and share some exciting updates with you.

Firstly, a huge thank you to Mrs Coote for stepping in and holding the fort today while I attended the annual headteachers’ conference.  It was a valuable opportunity for primary headteachers across Essex to collaborate on training and discuss local and national issues that impact all of us involved in education.

I am delighted that the SEESMA infant music festival was a tremendous success!  Our children had a wonderful time and truly did us proud with their performances.

It’s hard to believe that next week marks the end of term.  There is still so much to look forward to, including the Year 6 residential and the Year 2 trip to Barleylands.  These experiences will undoubtedly create lasting memories for our children.

Continuing on a positive note, I am pleased to welcome back Mrs Howard today!  We were thrilled to have her return and she will be spending time in 2VC, where she will assume the role of class teacher on Thursday and Friday after Easter.

As always, I am grateful for your continued support and involvement in our school community.  Wishing you all a restful weekend and we look forward to the exciting events ahead.

Warm regards

Mr Clarke




A huge well done this week to:

1D: Vincent G & Isobel K

1M: Ruby G & Charlie W

2N: Havana-Rose S & Albie K

2VC: Rosie M & Calum N

3/4 J: Ashling M & Oliver R

3/4 P: Ellie A & Lily-Rose G

3/4 R: Daisie-Beau D & Poppy M


5A: Grace W & Elijah P

5HL: Fraser C & Poppy D

6A: Bradley M & Charlie S

6L: Bobby S & Ethan W


Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 94.0%

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


RS: 92.3% 3/4R: 90.7%
RP: 73.8% 3/4P: 87.6%
1D: 89.0% 5A: 97.4% 
1M: 96.7% 5HL: 93.3%
2N: 90.7%  6A: 91.4%
2VC: 97.9% 6L: 95.0%
3/4J: 95.3%  

This week, the class with the highest attendance was 2VC with 97.9%.  Well done!  The attendance reward will be coming your way.


Lunchtime Star Players

Well done to Finley K-A, Leo M, Oliver G, Albie C-T, Luke R, Louie B, Harvey G, Daniel P, Harry W, Jazz D, Ivy S, Eleanor J and Lilly M.

Menu Change on Thursday 28 March 2024

Please note that the kitchen will be serving Friday’s menu on this day.

Fortnightly Focus – Tolerance

As part of our fortnightly focus, we’re diving deep into the world of tolerance.  That means learning to be kind and understanding towards others, even when they might say things that aren’t very kind.

Our mission until Easter is all about positivity!  We’re going to practise ignoring and brushing off any comments that aren’t helpful.  Instead, we’ll focus on spreading kindness and good vibes wherever we go.

So, let’s join forces and show the world how powerful kindness can be!  Together, we’ll make our school a place where everyone feels respected, valued and loved.

Our focus: Ignore and discard unhelpful comments.

Influential Figure of the Week – Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst was a brave and determined woman who fought for something very important: women’s rights!  She believed that girls and women should have the same opportunities as boys and men.  Emmeline worked hard to make sure that girls could go to school, women could vote and everyone could have a say in how things were run.  She even formed a group called the Suffragettes, who protested peacefully to make their voices heard.  Thanks to her courage and leadership, girls and boys today have more equal opportunities to grow up and follow their dreams!

Music Moment of the Week

Anna Meredith is a Scottish composer who writes electronic and acoustic music.  She likes to work with orchestras, bands and choreographers to create music that uses clapping, stamping, shouting and beatboxing instead of instruments.

In Anna Meredith’s body percussion piece ‘Connect It’ a variety of rhythmic sounds and movements are passed between the performers.  This musical effect is known as a canon.  A canon is where two or more instruments, voices or sounds play the same music, but starting at different times.

Key Dates

25-28 March – Year 6 residential trip to Danbury.

27 March – Year 2 trip to Barleylands.

28 March – Last day of term.  After school club finishes at 4.30pm.

15 April – Return to school.

8 May – Year 1 Call of the Wild Zoo trip.

10 May – Parent session – Bring your parent to lunch – Year 5 – Class 5HL.

17 May – Parent session – Bring your parent to lunch – Year 5 – Class 5A.


Another huge achievement for Kian P in Year 5!  Kian won 11 trophies including Top Boy at the Runnymede Swimming Club annual presentation and on top of that, he was awarded Swimmer of the Month.  Kian’s swimming is going from strength to strength and his family and the school are so proud of him!


Year 1 Great Fire of London Experience

In order to support the Year 1 history topic of the Great Fire of London last month, the Rainbow Theatre London Company visited for an interactive show where everyone had a part to play in the performance.  Pupils were dressed as if from the 1666 era and were asked to learn the song London’s Burning.


Spotlight on Safeguarding

Easter Holiday Camps

Caterlink Autumn/Winter 2023-24 Lunch Menu

Caterlink Food Choices


Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school.  The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 10.30am.  Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.


Grab Bags


Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 



Friends of Glebe
