Welcome Back!
I can’t quite believe how quickly the first week back has gone! The children have settled back in seamlessly.
This week, Year 6 have hosted their Enterprise week and I have loved seeing how the other children have joined in, participated and supported this event. They have also held auditions and begun rehearsals for the end of term production.
This week we have been organising our Peer Review with partner schools in the local areas and I look forward to sharing details of our visitor findings afterwards.
The Leadership team have busily spent this week making final arrangements to the structure and organisation for September. We are thrilled to be fully staffed and are excited to share the class set-up soon, in preparation for the transition day on 30th June.
I hope you managed to have a lovely weekend in the sun. I’m sure there will be many BBQs. I hope you stay safe in the warm weather and manage to avoid any storms.
See you on Monday!
M Clarke
A huge well done this week to:
RRB: Elsie McG & Ollie R-P | RD: Nellie J & Ruby G |
1N: Jacob P & Carter C | 1R: Amy H & Max C |
2/3R: Albie M & Priya N | 2/3BV: Daisie-Beau D & Barnabas T |
2/3A: Henry A & Clara B | |
4H: Lois H & Esther I | 4L: Leyton M & Kian R |
5L: Evie O & Paisley N | 5P: Poppy A & Alfie B |
6A: Junior S & Roman P | 6G: Lily H & Zara K |
End of Summer Term
School closes for Summer on Thursday 20th July.
Arrangements for Next Year
We can now confirm the structure for next year will be:
Two Reception classes
Two Year 1 classes
Two Year 2 classes
Three Year 3/4 classes
Two Year 5 classes
Two Year 6 classes
Thank you for your patience and understanding. The structure has been approved by the Governing Body and Trust board.
Year 6 Productions and Leavers Assembly
Year 6 Leavers Assembly will be on Wednesday 19th July at 2:00pm.
The Year 6 end of term production will be on Wednesday 5th July at 2pm and Thursday 6th July at 6:30pm.
Year 6 Enterprise Week
Year 6 have been working really hard this week, utilising their business skills and selling their goods to other children across the school. The Year 6 teachers are very proud of all the individuals that worked hard to build their business ideas, pitch them to Mr Clarke and make a huge profit across the whole week. They have worked incredibly well as a team and have realised that money can be made by undergoing market research, to see the gaps and goods that the children would want to buy.
The total profit that was made was £740.
Well done Year 6!
Attendance: Our school target is 97%
Year to date 93%
We expect pupils to be in school everyday.
We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.
RD: 91% | RRB: 82% |
1N: 96% | 1R: 91% |
2/3A: 85% | 2/3BV: 80% |
2/3R: 92% | |
4H: 94% | 4L: 90% |
5L: 90% | 5P: 93% |
6A: 99% | 6G: 90% |
This week, the class with the highest attendance was 6A with 99%. Well done! The attendance reward will be coming your way..
15/06/23 – District Sports
16/06/23 – Junior Music Festival
23/06/23 – Sports Day
26/06/23 – 29/06/23 – Year 6 Residential
03/07/23 – Year 2/3 trip to Colchester Castle
05/07/23 Year 6 production 2pm
06/07/23 Year 6 production 6:30pm
19/07/23 Year 6 Leavers assembly 2pm
20/7/23 End of Term