Gazette 19/05/2023

Headteachers message

We have been so impressed with the Year 2 children this week as they have taken their SATs tests. The children have demonstrated calmness and resilience as they each answered the questions thoughtfully and thoroughly. Well Done Year 2!

Also this week we celebrated Mental health awareness. It was fantastic seeing so many of our children dressed in shades of green. In class, children took part in a wide range of activities including mindfulness colouring and guided relaxation. Thank you to Mrs Parker and the team for supporting and facilitating this very important day. 

This week, Year 6, have been busy preparing their enterprise week pitches. I have enjoyed playing ‘Dragon’s den’ and listening to all of the ideas and concepts.

Don’t forget open door next Tuesday and Wednesday. This is an opportunity to view your children’s work. We very much look forward to welcoming you. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. See you on Monday!

M Clarke



A huge well done this week to:

RRB: Riley H & Lewis H                  RD: Lottie C & Bobby L
1N:  Sam W & Eliza B 1R:  Evie-Jo C & Nora B
2/3R:  The whole of year 2 2/3BV:  The whole of year 2
2/3A:  The whole of year 2  
4H:  Nila B & Teddy M 4L:  Mila-Rae B & Harry W
5L:  Tyler A & Zoe S 5P: Joshua B & Noah J
6A:  Flo W & Junior S 6G:  Evie H & Harry L

End of Summer Term
School closes for Summer on Thursday 20th July.

Arrangements for Next Year

I know that this is the time of year, where parents, children and staff begin to start their wonder of what the new school year will hold. In the coming weeks, final decisions will be made around class structures, teaching teams and class groupings or mixings. I’m sure that for those of you following the media, you will be aware that school funding and finance has been significantly impacted over the last few years and at times unsavoury decisions have had to made. As we move into the last half term, the leadership team will making decisions that provide children and classes with the best provision we can, utilising the funding and budget available. In making decisions, we will always prioritise the needs and education of all of our children. In some cases, classes may be mixed with children of the same age, some will remain as they are and teachers will be deployed based on their expertise. We will, of course, provide detailed information, as soon as final arrangements have been confirmed. Thank you as always, for your continued support and patience. 

Year 6 Productions and Leavers Assembly
Year 6 Leavers Assembly will be on Wednesday 19th July at 2:00pm. 

The Year 6 end of term production will be on Wednesday 5th July at 2pm and Thursday 7th July at 6:30pm. 

Attendance update

A huge thank you to everyone who is supporting our attendance drive and echoing the importance of education. This week, we crossed our 95% attendance threshold for the whole school. Please help us, in a final push, to achieve our 97% target.

Scooters and Balance Bikes

Can we please remind you that children are not allowed to ride on their scooters and bikes when they are on the school site.  We have had a run over foot and few near misses this week, your support is greatly appreciated.

Attendance: Our school target is 97%

Year to date 95%

We expect pupils to be in school everyday.

We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.


RD:  96% RRB: 88%
1N:  95% 1R:  90%
2/3A:  90% 2/3BV: 98%
2/3R: 95%  
4H: 93% 4L: 98%
5L:   96% 5P: 95%
6A: 99% 6G: 96%

This week, the class with the highest attendance was 6A with 100%. Well done! The attendance reward will be coming your way..

Key Dates

22/5 to 26/5/23 Year 6 Enterprise week

23/05/23 – Y5 trip to the Globe Theatre

24/ 05/ 23 – Y1 trip Call of the Wild

26/05/23 – Half Term

05/06/23 – Return to school

15/06/23 – District Sports

16/06/23 – Junior Music Festival

23/06/23 – Sports Day

26/06/23 – 29/06/23 – Year 6 Residential

03/07/23 – Year 2/3 trip to Colchester Castle

05/07/23 Year 6 production 2pm

06/07/23 Year 6 production 6:30pm

19/07/23 Year 6 Leavers assembly 2pm

20/7/23 End of Term

Curriculum focus – Our week in photos

Some of our Wellbeing Ambassadors ‘Wearing it Green’ to raise awareness for Mental Health and

Year 6 working hard for ‘Enterprise week’
