Dear Glebe Families
I hope this newsletter finds you well. It has been an eventful week here at Glebe Primary School, filled with sports and enrichment activities that have brought joy and excitement to many of our children.
Firstly, I would like to extend my congratulations to our girls’ football team for their outstanding performance last week. Their hard work and dedication paid off and they made us all proud. Well done, girls!
Additionally, our children had a fantastic time participating in the indoor athletics on Wednesday. They showcased their skills and sportsmanship and it was wonderful to hear that they enjoyed themselves so much. Weather permitting, we have a football match scheduled for tonight and I wish the team really well.
I am thrilled to announce that Sweyne has invited our Key Stage 2 children to watch their upcoming production of Matilda. This is a remarkable opportunity for our children to experience the magic of live theatre and introduce them to our links at Sweyne. We will provide you with more details closer to the date. I am confident that they will have a truly memorable time.
On a more practical note, I would like to address the recent prevalence of colds and viruses within our school community. I want to express my gratitude for your patience and understanding during this time, especially in light of the alternative staffing arrangements that have been necessary. Your support has been invaluable.
I would like to remind you all about the upcoming parents’ evening next Tuesday. It is an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss their progress. Additionally, please note that 2N will be hosting an open door event from 1.30pm to 2.30pm, until parents’ evening is held when Mrs Norman returns. This will give you the chance to visit the classroom and see what your child has been working on.
Lastly, I wanted to address the issue we have been experiencing with one of our outside doors. Please rest assured that we are aware of the situation and are taking immediate action to have it repaired as soon as possible. The safety and security of our children is our top priority and we appreciate your understanding in this matter.
In closing, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and involvement in our school community.
I sincerely hope you have a lovely weekend.
Warm regards
Mr Clarke
A huge well done this week to:
1D: Melissa P & Carter H |
1M: Ashton W & Lewis R |
2N: Micki-Lou C & Henley B |
2VC: Thomas G & Sam W |
3/4 J: Dolly C-B & Henry F |
3/4 P: Jake J & Sofia H |
3/4 R: Peyton S & Josh P |
5A: Eli P & Charlie B |
5HL: Lenny T & Melissa K |
6A: Tyler A & Charlie G |
6L: Josh B & Ella-Rose F |
Attendance: Our school target is 97%
Year to date 94.1%
We expect pupils to be in school everyday.
We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.
RS: 97.7% | 3/4R: 91.0% |
RP: 95.8% | 3/4P: 95.8% |
1D: 95.6% | 5A: 94.7% |
1M: 96.3% | 5HL: 95.3% |
2N: 93.8% | 6A: 93.3% |
2VC: 94.3% | 6L: 95.0% |
3/4J: 89.0% |
This week, the class with the highest attendance was RS with 97.7%. Well done! The attendance reward will be coming your way.
Year 5 and 6 Girls’ Football
A message from Miss Mitchell:
I would like to say a huge well done to our Year 5 and 6 girls who participated in a football match against Riverside last Wednesday. Since September, these girls have shown up every week, even in the pouring rain! They have played a few different league games, as well as a couple of tournaments. Throughout this time, they have developed and progressed massively as a team, which was evident in their game last week! With an amazing 5-1 win, you should all be very proud of the resilience, skill and determination you have shown. Well done to Mia, Lois, Keira, Amelia, Ruby, Emily and Paisley. A special well done to Isabella, my player of the match! This was Isabella’s first game in our team and wow did she perform, brilliant defence, confidence and teamwork. Thank you parents for your continued support on the sidelines.
Indoor Athletics Competition at the Deanes School
On Wednesday, 25 children from Years 4-6 represented the school at the indoor athletics competition.
This is a very high tempo competition where the children take part in throwing, jumping and running events. Overall, the children were a credit to the school in the way they competed. They worked as a team and cheered each other on throughout the day. Glebe finished in a creditable fifth place out of 16 schools.
A massive thanks to Mr Jordan and Mrs Larkin for accompanying the team to the event and helping Mr Acquah with the smooth running of the event.
Lunchtime Star Players
Well done to Isabelle F, Josh W, Demi-Leigh S, Mia G, Daniel P, Harry K, Poppy J, Daisy Rose A-B, Jada-Rose G, Joshua C, Nathaniel C, Emily K, Archie H, Evie T, Isobel K, Ruby-Rose H and Lewis R.
Fortnightly Focus – Communicate Appropriately
This fortnight we will be working as a whole school community on respectful communication. This means that when we talk to each other, speak about each other and when we communicate with others, we are polite, kind, courteous and respectful. We are teaching our children that although things may not always be as they would like, we can react appropriately to all situations.
Term Dates
A reminder that these are available on our website:
12 February – NCMP height and weight checks for Year 6 children.
13 February – Parent and pupil consultation meetings. School closes at 1.30pm.
16 February – FOGP Wear something you love day. £1.00 donation.
19-23 February – Half term.
5 March – Year 5 trip to Layer Marney Tower.
7 March – World Book Day.
8 March – FOGP Mother’s Day event.
11 March – KS2 at Sweyne Park to watch their school production of Matilda the Musical JR.
21 March – Class photographs.
25-28 March – Year 6 residential trip to Danbury.
27 March – Year 2 trip to Barleylands.
28 March – Last day of term. After school club finishes at 4.30pm.
Well done to Lottie L who swam at her district Beavers’ swimming gala on Saturday. She kindly helped out another group and they came first!
Caterlink Food Choices
Please let the school office know what your child is having to eat if they will be late to school. The kitchen deadline for school dinners is 10.30am. Jacket potatoes and grab bags will be available after this time, subject to availability.
Grab Bags
Please note that cheese grab bags are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Ham grab bags are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.